Some of  us may know the wider benefits of networking, however some of us may not. As such, what we seek to do here is apply some of the benefits to suit our instance of networking and supporting our businesses.

As an entrepreneur or generally as a business person, networking is a key activity that is not only 1) Fun, but, also critical to 2) Your personal growth and 3) Business development. In any case our business MUST be prepared to offer value or solve a problem before you can expect someone to reciprocate.

Sharing Knowledge

Within the Alumni Group it is very likely that at least one person who has encountered one of the issues which your business may be experiencing. It makes sense that an exchange in knowledge helps move our own objective along as well as reducing the time spent on recovering from a pitfall which could have been avoided. Also, the sharing of knowledge also gives opportunity to gain feedback and bounce ideas as well, enhancing overall customer/client experience, in a somewhat safer environment.

Emerging Opportunities

At times opportunities arise when we can easily gain referrals from each other or within the CP Alumni network, make partnerships happen. This is ideal in that as a business person, sometimes cold calling may not be effective, however a “warm” introduction by an affiliate or similar member can assist in growth. Other times – we may just be the conduit between other parties trying to make it happen. This leads to our next benefit…

Raising our Profile

When we help each other along on this journey we effectively help ourselves, by raising our own profile.This is significant in that once you get noticed, it becomes a magnet and others start to take notice of you and your business as well. It would be up to our team to turn that into growth opportunity. Your business builds a credible reputation as being knowledgeable, reliable and the “go-to” person. Of course when this starts to happen – your business is also likely to gain more leads and referrals and you remain “top-of-mind” and edge out your competitors.

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